Conrad Shaw
Actor, Screenwriter, New York, NY
(Aug 2014 - ReGroup Theatre)
-"These plays are really MAG-NI-FI-CENT! … My are the productions good, and the acting is superb..." - Peter Filichia (Broadway Radio)
-"If you can only see one, the best of the three is LU ANN HAMPTON LAVERTY OBERLANDER, which visits the town in 1953, 1963 and 1973...Conrad Shaw and Hamish Allan-Headley are completely believable as Lu Ann’s husbands...there is not a false note in this play." - James Thaggard
-"Your Corky was one of the most honest performances I've ever seen." - James Thaggard (said to me in person, but I'm counting it!)

(Nov 2013 - 6% Nuance Theater Group):
-"Some of the best acting I've seen in a long time." - Louise Lasser
-"Good job." - seasoned veteran TV/Film actor Frankie Faison (said to me on his way out after the show. I'll take it!)
(feature - in development - writer/actor)
-Rolling with Virgil is a unique and very musical new concept, combining the best parts of silent film and music videos with a classical narrative structure. It's a modern-day odyssey, a journey to get back to lost love through incredible obstacles, all inspired by and written to music by an exciting underground NYC band.
-We've shot a full scene from the script, created a full storyboard animatic, received name talent interest, and have been pushing the project forward to make the whole feature.

(series - in development - writer/actor)
-In development: a light sci-fi dramatic comedy series for television exploring the ethics of time travel with a premise along the lines of Groundhog Day + The Butterfly Effect.
(docuseries - in post production - co-creator)
-A groundbreaking documentary project exploring universal basic income (UBI) in America.
-My partner Deia Schlosberg and I conceived, fundraised, designed, and implemented America's most widespread UBI trial in history, with 21 participants receiving weekly no-strings-attached cash subsidies for two years across 10 states.
-We have filmed with the participants throughout the process, and Bootstraps will tell their stories in 2022.
(2019 - short film - 15 min)
In a small Belfast hotel in the winter of 1995, one of the last few years of the decades-long period of sectarian violence known as The Troubles, a father who keeps his daughter close must face his dark history when it comes back to haunt him. This time, it’s his son that he stands to lose.
A more intimate look at the politics of aggression and escalation, and how they affect individuals and families across generations.